Source code for data_slicer.cmaps

Convert some of the nicer matplotlib and kustom colormaps to pyqtgraph 
import copy
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import pickle
import pkg_resources
import warnings

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from matplotlib.pyplot import get_cmap
from pyqtgraph import ColorMap

from data_slicer.utilities import CACHED_CMAPS_FILENAME, CONFIG_DIR

logger = logging.getLogger('ds.'+__name__)

[docs]class ds_cmap(ColorMap) : """ Simple subclass of :class:`pyqtgraph.ColorMap`. Adds vmax, powerlaw normalization and a convenience function to change alpha. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.1 Made this an empty shell for fixing a bug with a change in colormaps in :module:`pyqtgraph`. """
[docs] def set_alpha(self, *args, **kwargs) : pass
[docs] def set_gamma(self, *args, **kwargs) : pass
[docs]class ds_cmap_legacy(ColorMap) : """ Simple subclass of :class:`pyqtgraph.ColorMap`. Adds vmax, powerlaw normalization and a convenience function to change alpha. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.1 Renamed this to `ds_cmap_legacy` in order to fix a bug due to a change in colormaps in :module:`pyqtgraph`. """ def __init__(self, pos, color, gamma=1, **kwargs) : super().__init__(pos, color, **kwargs) # Initialize instance variables self.alpha = 0.5 self.vmax = 1 self.gamma = 1 # Retain a copy of the originally given positions self.original_pos = self.pos.copy() # Apply the powerlaw-norm self.set_gamma(gamma)
[docs] def apply_transformations(self) : """ Recalculate the positions where the colormapping is defined by applying (in sequence) alpha, then a linear map to the range [0, vmax] and finally the powerlaw scaling: ``pos' = pos**gamma``. """ # Reset the cache in pyqtgraph.Colormap self.stopsCache = dict() # Apply alpha self.color[:,-1] = 255*self.alpha # Linearly transform color values to the new range old_max = self.original_pos.max() old_min = self.original_pos.min() new_max = old_max * self.vmax m = (new_max - old_min) / (old_max - old_min) self.pos = m * (self.original_pos - old_max) + new_max # Apply a powerlaw norm to the positions self.pos = self.pos**(1/self.gamma)
[docs] def set_gamma(self, gamma=1) : """ Set the exponent for the power-law norm that maps the colors to values. I.e. the values where the colours are defined are mapped like ``y=x**gamma``. """ self.gamma = gamma self.apply_transformations()
[docs] def set_alpha(self, alpha) : """ Set the value of alpha for the whole colormap to *alpha* where *alpha* can be a float or an array of length ``len(self.color)``. """ self.alpha = alpha self.apply_transformations()
[docs] def set_vmax(self, vmax=1) : """ Set the relative (to the maximum of the data) maximum of the colorscale. """ self.vmax = vmax self.apply_transformations()
[docs]def convert_matplotlib_to_pyqtgraph(matplotlib_cmap, alpha=1) : """ Take a matplotlib colormap and convert it to a pyqtgraph ColorMap. **Parameters** =============== =========================================================== matplotlib_cmap either a str representing the name of a matplotlib colormap or a :class:`<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap>` or :class:`<matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap>` instance. alpha float or array of same length as there are defined colors in the matplotlib cmap; the alpha (transparency) value to be assigned to the whole cmap. matplotlib cmaps default to 1. =============== =========================================================== **Returns** =============== =========================================================== pyqtgraph_cmap :class:`pyqtgraph.ColorMap` =============== =========================================================== """ logger.debug('Converting colormap "{}"'.format(matplotlib_cmap)) # Get the colormap object if a colormap name is given if isinstance(matplotlib_cmap, str) : matplotlib_cmap = get_cmap(matplotlib_cmap) # Number of entries in the matplotlib colormap N = matplotlib_cmap.N # Create the mapping values in the interval [0, 1] values = np.linspace(0, 1, N) # Extract RGBA values from the matplotlib cmap indices = np.arange(N) rgba = matplotlib_cmap(indices) # Apply alpha rgba[:,-1] = alpha # Convert to range 0-255 rgba *= 255 return ds_cmap(values, rgba)
[docs]def convert_ds_to_matplotlib(data_slicer_cmap, cmap_name='converted_cmap') : """ Create a matplotlib colormap from a :class:`ds_cmap <data_slicer.cmaps.ds_cmap>` instance. **Parameters** ================ ========================================================== data_slicer_cmap :class:`ds_cmap <data_slicer.cmaps.ds_cmap>` cmap_name str; optional name for the created cmap. ================ ========================================================== **Returns** =============== =========================================================== matplotlib_cmap :class:`<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap>` =============== =========================================================== """ # Reset the transformations - matplotlib can take care of them itself data_slicer_cmap.set_gamma(1) data_slicer_cmap.set_vmax(1) # Convert the colors from the range [0-255] to [0-1] colors = data_slicer_cmap.color / 255 N = len(colors) # Create the matplotlib colormap matplotlib_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(cmap_name, colors, N) return matplotlib_cmap
[docs]def load_custom_cmap(filename) : """ Create a :class:`ds_cmap <data_slicer.cmaps.ds_cmap>` instance from data stored in a file with three columns, red, green and blue - either in integer form from 0-255 or as floats from 0.0 to 1.0 (ignores fourth alpha column). The suffix can be left out in the file name. Also, an `_r` can be appended to the colormap name to indicate that the inverse of a cmap is requested (e.g. my_cmap_r will give the reverse of my_cmap). """ # Split off suffix full_basename, suffix = os.path.splitext(filename) path, basename = os.path.split(full_basename) # Split off '_r' ending, if found if basename.endswith('_r') : reverse = True basename = basename[:-2] else : reverse = False # If no suffix was given, look for a file that matches actual_filename = '' if suffix == '' : # Split path and filename files = os.listdir(path) for f in files : if f.startswith(basename) : actual_filename = path + '/' + f break else : actual_filename = path + '/' + basename + suffix logger.debug(f'Trying to load cmap {actual_filename}.') data = np.loadtxt(actual_filename)[:,:3] # Invert cmap, if required if reverse : data = data[::-1] data /= data.max() # Convert to range [0-255] for pyqtgraph 0.0.11 data *= 255 N = len(data) # Append a column of 1's cmap = np.hstack([data, np.ones(N).reshape((N, 1))]) pos = np.linspace(0, 1, N) return ds_cmap(pos, cmap)
# Load the cmaps dictionary (this is broken) data_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('data_slicer', 'data/')
[docs]def load_cmap(cmap_name) : """ Return a ds_cmap object for the colormap specified by *cmap_name*. *cmap_name* can be either 1. one of the matplotlib colormap names 2. one of the colormap names supplied by the data slicer package. At the time of this writing, these are `rainbow_light`, `neutrons` and `kocean`. This list is not regularly updated. Check the .cmap files in the data/ directory of the installation (loacation depends on your system) to find out all options. 3. any file found in the cmaps/ subdirectory of your config directory (check documentation). """ # Try to convert a matplotlib cmap try : return convert_matplotlib_to_pyqtgraph(cmap_name) except ValueError as e : # Store the error for later matplotlib_error = e logger.debug(f'Did not find {cmap_name} in MPL cmaps.') # If that didn't work, try converting a package cmap try : logger.debug(data_path + cmap_name) return load_custom_cmap(data_path + cmap_name) # numpy.loadtxt raises OSError except OSError : logger.debug(f'Did not find {cmap_name} in package cmaps.') # Finally, try to load a cmap from the config dir config_path = pathlib.Path.home() / CONFIG_DIR / 'cmaps/' try : logger.debug(config_path / cmap_name) return load_custom_cmap(config_path / cmap_name) # numpy.loadtxt raises OSError except OSError : # Re-raise the matplotlib error which shows a list of valid # matplotlib cmap names. logger.debug(f'Did not find {cmap_name} in user cmaps.') raise ValueError(matplotlib_error)
# Add user supplied colormaps
[docs]def load_user_cmaps(cmaps) : """ Append user supplied colormaps to the dictionary *cmaps*. """ config_path = pathlib.Path.home() / CONFIG_DIR / 'cmaps/' try : files = os.listdir(config_path) except FileNotFoundError : files = [] for cmap in files : name, suffix = cmap.split('.') # Only load files with the .cmap suffix if suffix != 'cmap' : continue cmap_object = load_custom_cmap(config_path / cmap) cmaps.update({name: cmap_object}) # Also add the inverse cmap inverse = ds_cmap(cmap_object.pos, cmap_object.color[::-1]) cmaps.update({name + '_r': inverse})
# +-------------------+ # # | Prepare colormaps | # ====================================================== # +-------------------+ # if __name__ == '__main__' : # Caching colormaps is no longer necessary, but kept for the time being. from datetime import datetime print('Caching colormaps...') n = cmaps = dict() # Convert all matplotlib colormaps to pyqtgraph ones and make them available # in the dict cmaps start = n() for name in colormaps() : cmap = colormaps.get_cmap(name) cmaps.update({name: convert_matplotlib_to_pyqtgraph(cmap)}) print('mpl: ', n()-start) # Add additional colormaps from package data_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('data_slicer', 'data/') try : datafiles = os.listdir(data_path) except FileNotFoundError : warnings.warn('Package colormaps were not found.') datafiles = [] for cmap in datafiles : name, suffix = cmap.split('.') # Only load files with the .cmap suffix if suffix != 'cmap' : continue cmap_object = load_custom_cmap(data_path + cmap) cmaps.update({name: cmap_object}) # Also add the inverse cmap inverse = ds_cmap(cmap_object.pos, cmap_object.color[::-1]) cmaps.update({name + '_r': inverse}) print('data/: ', n()-start) # Store the cmaps dict with open(data_path + CACHED_CMAPS_FILENAME, 'wb') as f : pickle.dump(cmaps, f)