Source code for data_slicer.imageplot

""" matplotlib pcolormesh equivalent in pyqtgraph (more or less) """

import logging

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyqtgraph as pg
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from numpy import arange, array, clip, inf, linspace, ndarray
from pyqtgraph import Qt as qt #import QtCore
from pyqtgraph import PlotDataItem
from pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.ImageItem import ImageItem
from pyqtgraph.widgets import PlotWidget, GraphicsView

from data_slicer.dsviewbox import DSViewBox
from data_slicer.utilities import get_lines, TracedVariable, indexof

logger = logging.getLogger('ds.'+__name__)

BASE_LINECOLOR = (255,255,0,255)
HOVER_COLOR = (195,155,0,255)

[docs]class MPLExportDialog(qt.QtWidgets.QDialog) : """ A dialog that provides a GUI to :meth:`~data_slicer.imageplot.ImagePlot.mpl_export`. """ figwidth = 5 figheight = 5 def __init__(self, imageplot, *args, **kwargs) : super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.imageplot = imageplot # Convert the lookuptable (lut) to a matplotlib colormap lut = self.imageplot.image_item.lut lut = lut/lut.max() cmap_array = array([[a[0], a[1], a[2], 1.] for a in lut]) self.cmap = ListedColormap(cmap_array) ## Dialog window layout self.setWindowTitle('MPL Export Options') # Title textbox self.label_title = qt.QtWidgets.QLabel('Title') self.box_title = qt.QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) # x- and y-axis textboxes self.label_xlabel = qt.QtWidgets.QLabel('x axis label') self.box_xlabel = qt.QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) self.label_ylabel = qt.QtWidgets.QLabel('y axis label') self.box_ylabel = qt.QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) # Invert and transpose checkboxes self.checkbox_invertx = qt.QtWidgets.QCheckBox('invert x') self.checkbox_inverty = qt.QtWidgets.QCheckBox('invert y') self.checkbox_transpose = qt.QtWidgets.QCheckBox('transpose') # x limits self.label_xlim = qt.QtWidgets.QLabel('x limits') self.box_xmin = qt.QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.box_xmin.setValidator(qt.QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) self.box_xmax = qt.QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.box_xmax.setValidator(qt.QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) # y limits self.label_ylim = qt.QtWidgets.QLabel('y limits') self.box_ymin = qt.QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.box_ymin.setValidator(qt.QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) self.box_ymax = qt.QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.box_ymax.setValidator(qt.QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) # Figsize self.label_width = qt.QtWidgets.QLabel('Figure width (inch)') self.box_width = qt.QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.box_width.setValidator(qt.QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0, 99, 2)) self.box_width.setText(str(self.figwidth)) self.label_height = qt.QtWidgets.QLabel('Figure height (inch)') self.box_height = qt.QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.box_height.setValidator(qt.QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0, 99, 2)) self.box_height.setText(str(self.figheight)) # Make changes update the figure for box in [self.box_title, self.box_xlabel, self.box_ylabel, self.box_xmin, self.box_xmax, self.box_ymin, self.box_ymax, self.box_width, self.box_height] : # box.editingFinished.connect(self.plot_preview) box.textChanged.connect(self.plot_preview) for checkbox in [self.checkbox_invertx, self.checkbox_inverty, self.checkbox_transpose] : checkbox.stateChanged.connect(self.plot_preview) # Figsize warning label self.label_figsize = qt.QtWidgets.QLabel('Preview figure size is not to ' 'scale.') # Preview canvas self.figure = Figure(figsize=(self.figwidth, self.figheight), constrained_layout=True) self.canvas = FigureCanvasQTAgg(self.figure) = self.figure.add_subplot(111) # 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons QBtn = qt.QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | qt.QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel self.button_box = qt.QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(QBtn) self.button_box.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.button_box.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.plot_preview() self.align()
[docs] def align(self) : """ Create and apply the dialog's layout. """ layout = qt.QtWidgets.QGridLayout() ncol = 4 i = 1 # Title layout.addWidget(self.label_title, i, 1, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.box_title, i, 2, 1, 1) i += 1 # x label layout.addWidget(self.label_xlabel, i, 1, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.box_xlabel, i, 2, 1, 1) i += 1 # y label layout.addWidget(self.label_ylabel, i, 1, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.box_ylabel, i, 2, 1, 1) i += 1 # Invert and transpose checkboxes layout.addWidget(self.checkbox_invertx, i, 1, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.checkbox_inverty, i, 2, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.checkbox_transpose, i, 3, 1, 1) i += 1 # Limits layout.addWidget(self.label_xlim, i, 1, 1, 1) xlims = qt.QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() xlims.addWidget(self.box_xmin) xlims.addWidget(self.box_xmax) layout.addLayout(xlims, i, 2, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.label_ylim, i, 3, 1, 1) ylims = qt.QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() ylims.addWidget(self.box_ymin) ylims.addWidget(self.box_ymax) layout.addLayout(ylims, i, 4, 1, 1) i += 1 # Figsize fields layout.addWidget(self.label_width, i, 1, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.box_width, i, 2, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.label_height, i, 3, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.box_height, i, 4, 1, 1) i += 1 # Preview layout.addWidget(self.label_figsize, i, 1, 1, ncol) i += 1 layout.addWidget(self.canvas, i, 1, 1, ncol) i += 1 # OK and Cancel buttons layout.addWidget(self.button_box, i, 1, 1, ncol) self.setLayout(layout)
[docs] def plot_preview(self) : """ Update the plot in the preview window with the currently selected options. """ # Remove previous plot and get up-to-date data ip = self.imageplot xaxis, yaxis, data = ip.xscale, ip.yscale, ip.image_data.T # Fix unassigned x- and yscales if xaxis is None : xaxis = range(data.shape[1]) if yaxis is None : yaxis = range(data.shape[0]) # Transpose if self.checkbox_transpose.isChecked() : xaxis, yaxis, data = yaxis, xaxis, data.T mesh =, yaxis, data, cmap=self.cmap) # Limits limits = [b.text() for b in [self.box_xmin, self.box_xmax, self.box_ymin, self.box_ymax]] datalimits = [xaxis[0], xaxis[-1], yaxis[0], yaxis[-1]] for i,lim in enumerate(limits) : if lim == '' : limits[i] = datalimits[i] else : limits[i] = float(lim)[limits[0], limits[1]])[limits[2], limits[3]]) # Apply options invertx = self.checkbox_invertx.isChecked() inverty = self.checkbox_inverty.isChecked() if invertx : if inverty : # Labels self.canvas.draw()
[docs]class Crosshair() : """ Crosshair made up of two InfiniteLines. """ def __init__(self, pos=(0,0)) : # Store the positions in TracedVariables self.hpos = TracedVariable(pos[1], name='hpos') self.vpos = TracedVariable(pos[0], name='vpos') # Initialize the InfiniteLines self.hline = pg.InfiniteLine(pos[1], movable=True, angle=0) self.vline = pg.InfiniteLine(pos[0], movable=True, angle=90) # Set the color self.set_color(BASE_LINECOLOR, HOVER_COLOR) # Register some callbacks self.hpos.sig_value_changed.connect(self.update_position_h) self.vpos.sig_value_changed.connect(self.update_position_v) self.hline.sigDragged.connect(self.on_dragged_h) self.vline.sigDragged.connect(self.on_dragged_v)
[docs] def add_to(self, widget) : """ Add this crosshair to a Qt widget. """ for line in [self.hline, self.vline] : line.setZValue(1) widget.addItem(line)
[docs] def remove_from(self, widget) : """ Remove this crosshair from a pyqtgraph widget. """ for line in [self.hline, self.vline] : widget.removeItem(line)
[docs] def set_color(self, linecolor=BASE_LINECOLOR, hover_color=HOVER_COLOR) : """ Set the color and hover color of both InfiniteLines that make up the crosshair. The arguments can be any pyqtgraph compatible color specifiers. """ for line in [self.hline, self.vline] : line.setPen(linecolor) line.setHoverPen(hover_color)
[docs] def set_movable(self, movable=True) : """ Set whether or not this crosshair can be dragged by the mouse. """ for line in [self.hline, self.vline] : line.setMovable = movable
[docs] def move_to(self, pos) : """ **Parameters** === =================================================================== pos 2-tuple; x and y coordinates of the desired location of the crosshair in data coordinates. === =================================================================== """ self.hpos.set_value(pos[1]) self.vpos.set_value(pos[0])
[docs] def update_position_h(self) : """ Callback for the :signal:`sig_value_changed <data_slicer.utilities.TracedVariable.sig_value_changed>`. Whenever the value of this TracedVariable is updated (possibly from outside this Crosshair object), put the crosshair to the appropriate position. """ self.hline.setValue(self.hpos.get_value())
[docs] def update_position_v(self) : """ Confer update_position_h. """ self.vline.setValue(self.vpos.get_value())
[docs] def on_dragged_h(self) : """ Callback for dragging of InfiniteLines. Their visual position should be reflected in the TracedVariables self.hpos and self.vpos. """ self.hpos.set_value(self.hline.value())
[docs] def on_dragged_v(self) : """ Callback for dragging of InfiniteLines. Their visual position should be reflected in the TracedVariables self.hpos and self.vpos. """ self.vpos.set_value(self.vline.value())
[docs] def set_bounds(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) : """ Set the area in which the infinitelines can be dragged. """ self.hline.setBounds([ymin, ymax]) self.vline.setBounds([xmin, xmax])
[docs]class ImagePlot(pg.PlotWidget) : """ A PlotWidget which mostly contains a single 2D image (intensity distribution) or a 3D array (distribution of RGB values) as well as all the nice pyqtgraph axes panning/rescaling/zooming functionality. In addition, this allows one to use custom axes scales as opposed to being limited to pixel coordinates. **Signals** ================= ========================================================= sig_image_changed emitted whenever the image is updated sig_axes_changed emitted when the axes are updated sig_clicked emitted when user clicks inside the imageplot ================= ========================================================= """ sig_image_changed = qt.QtCore.Signal() sig_axes_changed = qt.QtCore.Signal() sig_clicked = qt.QtCore.Signal(object) def __init__(self, image=None, parent=None, background='default', name=None, **kwargs) : """ Allows setting of the image upon initialization. **Parameters** ========== ============================================================ image np.ndarray or pyqtgraph.ImageItem instance; the image to be displayed. parent QtWidget instance; parent widget of this widget. background str; confer PyQt documentation name str; allows giving a name for debug purposes ========== ============================================================ """ # Initialize instance variables # np.array, raw image data self.image_data = None # pg.ImageItem of *image_data* self.image_item = None self.image_kwargs = {} self.xlim = None self.ylim = None self.xscale = None self.yscale = None self.transform_factors = [] self.transposed = TracedVariable(False, name='transposed') self.crosshair_cursor_visible = False super().__init__(parent=parent, background=background, viewBox=DSViewBox(imageplot=self), **kwargs) = name # Show top and tight axes by default, but without ticklabels self.showAxis('top') self.showAxis('right') self.getAxis('top').setStyle(showValues=False) self.getAxis('right').setStyle(showValues=False) if image is not None : self.set_image(image) self.sig_axes_changed.connect(self.fix_viewrange)
[docs] def show_cursor(self, show=True) : """ Toggle whether or not to show a crosshair cursor that tracks the mouse movement. """ if show : crosshair_cursor = Crosshair() crosshair_cursor.set_movable(False) crosshair_cursor.set_color((255, 255, 255, 255), (255, 255, 255, 255)) crosshair_cursor.add_to(self) self.scene().sigMouseMoved.connect(self.on_mouse_move) self.crosshair_cursor = crosshair_cursor else : try : self.scene().sigMouseMoved.disconnect(self.on_mouse_move) except TypeError : pass try : self.crosshair_cursor.remove_from(self) except AttributeError : pass self.crosshair_cursor_visible = show
[docs] def toggle_cursor(self) : """ Change the visibility of the crosshair cursor. """ self.show_cursor(not self.crosshair_cursor_visible)
[docs] def on_mouse_move(self, pos) : """ Slot for mouse movement over the plot. Calculate the mouse position in data coordinates and move the crosshair_cursor there. **Parameters** === =================================================================== pos QPointF object; x and y position of the mouse as returned by :signal:`sigMouseMoved <data_slicer.imageplot.ImagePlot.sigMouseMoved>`. === =================================================================== """ if self.plotItem.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos) : data_point = self.plotItem.vb.mapSceneToView(pos) self.crosshair_cursor.move_to((data_point.x(), data_point.y()))
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event) : """ Figure out where the click happened in data coordinates and make the position available through the signal :signal:`sig_clicked <data_slicer.imageplot.ImagePlot.sig_clicked>`. """ if event.button() == qt.QtCore.Qt.LeftButton : vb = self.plotItem.vb last_click = vb.mapToView(vb.mapFromScene(event.localPos())) message = 'Last click at ( {:.4f} | {:.4f} )' self.sig_clicked.emit(message.format(last_click.x(), last_click.y())) super().mousePressEvent(event)
[docs] def remove_image(self) : """ Removes the current image using the parent's :meth:`removeItem pyqtgraph.PlotWidget.removeItem` function. """ if self.image_item is not None : self.removeItem(self.image_item) self.image_item = None
[docs] def set_image(self, image, emit=True, *args, **kwargs) : """ Expects either np.arrays or pg.ImageItems as input and sets them correctly to this PlotWidget's Image with `addItem`. Also makes sure there is only one Image by deleting the previous image. Emits :signal:`sig_image_changed` **Parameters** ======== ============================================================== image np.ndarray or pyqtgraph.ImageItem instance; the image to be displayed. emit bool; whether or not to emit :signal:`sig_image_changed` (kw)args positional and keyword arguments that are passed on to :class:`pyqtgraph.ImageItem` ======== ============================================================== """ # Convert array to ImageItem if isinstance(image, ndarray) : if 0 not in image.shape : image_item = ImageItem(image, *args, **kwargs) else : logger.debug(('<{}>.set_image(): image.shape is {}. Not ' 'setting image.').format(, image.shape)) return else : image_item = image # Throw an exception if image is not an ImageItem if not isinstance(image_item, ImageItem) : message = '''`image` should be a np.array or pg.ImageItem instance, not {}'''.format(type(image)) raise TypeError(message) # Transpose if necessary if self.transposed.get_value() : image_item = ImageItem(image_item.image.T, *args, **kwargs) # Replace the image self.remove_image() self.image_item = image_item self.image_data = image_item.image logger.debug('<{}>Setting image.'.format( self.addItem(image_item) # Reset limits if necessary if self.xscale is not None and self.yscale is not None : axes_shape = (len(self.xscale), len(self.yscale)) if axes_shape != self.image_data.shape : self.xlim = None self.ylim = None self._set_axes_scales(emit=emit) if emit :'<{}>Emitting sig_image_changed.'.format( self.sig_image_changed.emit()
[docs] def set_xscale(self, xscale, update=False) : """ Set the xscale of the plot. *xscale* is an array of the length ``len(self.image_item.shape[0])``. """ if self.transposed.get_value() : self._set_yscale(xscale, update) else : self._set_xscale(xscale, update)
[docs] def set_yscale(self, yscale, update=False) : """ Set the yscale of the plot. *yscale* is an array of the length ``len(self.image_item.image.shape[1])``. """ if self.transposed.get_value() : self._set_xscale(yscale, update) else : self._set_yscale(yscale, update)
def _set_xscale(self, xscale, update=False, force=False) : """ Set the scale of the horizontal axis of the plot. *force* can be used to bypass the length checking. """ # Sanity check if not force and self.image_item is not None and \ len(xscale) != self.image_item.image.shape[0] : raise TypeError('Shape of xscale does not match data dimensions.') self.xscale = xscale # 'Autoscale' the image to the xscale self.xlim = (xscale[0], xscale[-1]) if update : self._set_axes_scales(emit=True) def _set_yscale(self, yscale, update=False, force=False) : """ Set the scale of the vertical axis of the plot. *force* can be used to bypass the length checking. """ # Sanity check if not force and self.image_item is not None and \ len(yscale) != self.image_item.image.shape[1] : raise TypeError('Shape of yscale does not match data dimensions.') self.yscale = yscale # 'Autoscale' the image to the xscale self.ylim = (yscale[0], yscale[-1]) if update : self._set_axes_scales(emit=True)
[docs] def transpose(self) : """ Transpose the image, i.e. swap the x- and y-axes. """ self.transposed.set_value(not self.transposed.get_value()) # Swap the scales new_xscale = self.yscale new_yscale = self.xscale self._set_xscale(new_xscale, force=True) self._set_yscale(new_yscale, force=True) # Update the image if not self.transposed.get_value() : # Take care of the back-transposition here self.set_image(self.image_item.image.T, lut=self.image_item.lut) else : self.set_image(self.image_item, lut=self.image_item.lut)
[docs] def set_xlabel(self, label) : """ Shorthand for setting this plot's x axis label. """ axis = self.getAxis('bottom') axis.setLabel(label)
[docs] def set_ylabel(self, label) : """ Shorthand for setting this plot's y axis label. """ axis = self.getAxis('left') axis.setLabel(label)
def _set_axes_scales(self, emit=False) : """ Transform the image such that it matches the desired x and y scales. """ # Get image dimensions and requested origin (x0,y0) and top right # corner (x1, y1) nx, ny = self.image_item.image.shape logger.debug(('<{}>_set_axes_scales(): self.image_item.image.shape={}' + ' x {}').format(, nx, ny)) [[x0, x1], [y0, y1]] = self.get_limits() # Calculate the scaling factors sx = (x1-x0)/nx sy = (y1-y0)/ny # Ensure nonzero sx = 1 if sx==0 else sx sy = 1 if sy==0 else sy # Define a transformation matrix that scales and translates the image # such that it appears at the coordinates that match our x and y axes. transform = qt.QtGui.QTransform() transform.scale(sx, sy) # Carry out the translation in scaled coordinates transform.translate(x0/sx, y0/sy) # Finally, apply the transformation to the imageItem self.image_item.setTransform(transform) self._update_transform_factors() if emit :'<{}>Emitting sig_axes_changed.'.format( self.sig_axes_changed.emit()
[docs] def get_limits(self) : """ Return ``[[x_min, x_max], [y_min, y_max]]``. """ # Default to current viewrange but try to get more accurate values if # possible if self.image_item is not None : x, y = self.image_item.image.shape else : x, y = 1, 1 # Set the limits to image pixels if they are not defined if self.xlim is None : self.set_xscale(arange(0, x)) x_min, x_max = self.xlim if self.ylim is None : self.set_yscale(arange(0, y)) y_min, y_max = self.ylim logger.debug(('<{}>get_limits(): [[x_min, x_max], [y_min, y_max]] = ' + '[[{}, {}], [{}, {}]]').format(, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max)) return [[x_min, x_max], [y_min, y_max]]
[docs] def fix_viewrange(self) : """ Prevent zooming out by fixing the limits of the ViewBox. """ logger.debug('<{}>fix_viewrange().'.format( [[x_min, x_max], [y_min, y_max]] = self.get_limits() self.setLimits(xMin=x_min, xMax=x_max, yMin=y_min, yMax=y_max, maxXRange=x_max-x_min, maxYRange=y_max-y_min)
[docs] def release_viewrange(self) : """ Undo the effects of :meth:`fix_viewrange <data_slicer.imageplot.ImagePlot.fix_viewrange>` """ logger.debug('<{}>release_viewrange().'.format( self.setLimits(xMin=-inf, xMax=inf, yMin=-inf, yMax=inf, maxXRange=inf, maxYRange=inf)
def _update_transform_factors(self) : """ Create a copy of the parameters that are necessary to reproduce the current transform. This is necessary e.g. for the calculation of the transform in :meth:`rotate <data_slicer.imageplot.ImagePlot.rotate>`. """ transform = self.image_item.transform() dx = transform.dx() dy = transform.dy() sx = transform.m11() sy = transform.m22() wx = self.image_item.width() wy = self.image_item.height() self.transform_factors = [dx, dy, sx, sy, wx, wy]
[docs] def rotate(self, alpha=0) : """ Rotate the image_item by the given angle *alpha* (in degrees). """ # Get the details of the current transformation if self.transform_factors == [] : self._update_transform_factors() dx, dy, sx, sy, wx, wy = self.transform_factors # Build the transformation anew, adding a rotation # Remember that the order in which transformations are applied is # reverted to how they are added in the code, i.e. last transform # added in the code will come first (this is the reason we have to # completely rebuild the transformation instead of just adding a # rotation...) transform = self.image_item.transform() transform.reset() transform.translate(dx, dy) transform.translate(wx/2*sx, wy/2*sy) transform.rotate(alpha) transform.scale(sx, sy) transform.translate(-wx/2, -wy/2) self.release_viewrange() self.image_item.setTransform(transform)
[docs] def mpl_export(self, *args, figsize=(5,5), title='', xlabel='', ylabel='', dpi=300) : """ Export the content of this plot to a png image using matplotlib. The resulting image will have a white background and black ticklabes and should therefore be more readable than pyqtgraph's native plot export options. **Parameters** ======= =============================================================== figsize tuple of float; (height, width) of figure in inches title str; figure title xlabel str; x axis label ylabel str; y axis label dpi int; png resolution in pixels per inch args positional arguments are absorbed and discarded (necessary to connect this method to signal handling) ======= =============================================================== """ logger.debug('<ImagePlot.mpl_export()>') # Show the dialog with some options dialog = MPLExportDialog(self, parent=self) # ok_button = qt.QtWidgets.QPushButton('Done', dialog) if not dialog.exec_() : return # Replot to update the figure dialog.plot_preview() # Get a filename first fd = qt.QtWidgets.QFileDialog() filename = fd.getSaveFileName()[0] if not filename : return logger.debug('Outfilename: {}'.format(filename)) # Update figure size before saving width, height = [float(box.text()) for box in [dialog.box_width, dialog.box_height]] dialog.figure.set_figwidth(width) dialog.figure.set_figheight(height) dialog.figure.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
[docs] def lineplot(self, ax, dim=0, n=10, offset=0.2, lw=0.5, color='k', label_fmt='{:.2f}', n_ticks=5, **getlines_kwargs) : """ Create a matplotlib plot with *n* lines extracted out of one of the visible plots. The lines are normalized to their global maximum and shifted from each other by *offset*. See :func:`get_lines <data_slicer.utilities.get_lines>` for more options on the extraction of the lines. **Parameters** =============== ======================================================= plot str; either "main" or "cut", specifies from which plot to extract the lines. dim int; either 0 or 1, specifies in which direction to take the lines. ax matplotlib.axes.Axes; the axes in which to plot. n int; number of lines to extract. offset float; spacing between neighboring lines. lw float; linewidth of the plotted lines. color any color argument understood by matplotlib; color of the plotted lines. label_fmt str; a format string for the ticklabels. n_ticks int; number of ticks to print. getlines_kwargs other kwargs are passed to :func:`get_lines <data_slicer.utilities.get_lines>` =============== ======================================================= **Returns** =========== =========================================================== lines2ds list of Line2D objects; the drawn lines. xticks list of float; locations of the 0 intensity value of each line. xtickvalues list of float; if *momenta* were supplied, corresponding xtick values in units of *momenta*. Otherwise this is just a copy of *xticks*. xticklabels list of str; *xtickvalues* formatted according to *label_fmt*. =========== =========================================================== """ data = self.image_data # Get the right axes axes = [self.xscale, self.yscale] for i,scale in enumerate(axes) : # Deal with *None* if scale is None : axes[i] = np.arange(data.shape[i]) if dim==0 : data = data.T elif dim==1 : axes = axes[::-1] else : raise ValueError('*dim* should be one of (0, 1).') # Get the lines with an utility function lines, indices = get_lines(data, n, offset=offset, **getlines_kwargs) # Plot the lines line2ds = [] for line in lines : line2d = ax.plot(line, axes[0], lw=lw, color=color)[0] line2ds.append(line2d) # Create tick positions and labels xticks = [i*offset for i in range(n)] xtickvalues = axes[i][indices] xticklabels = [label_fmt.format(x) for x in xtickvalues] # Only render *n_ticks* ticks nth = int(n/n_ticks) ax.set_xticks(xticks[::nth]) ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels[::nth]) return line2ds, xticks, xtickvalues, xticklabels
[docs]class CrosshairImagePlot(ImagePlot) : """ An imageplot with a draggable crosshair. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) : super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Hide the pyqtgraph auto-rescale button self.getPlotItem().buttonsHidden = True # Initiliaze a crosshair and add it to this widget self.crosshair = Crosshair() self.crosshair.add_to(self) self.pos = (self.crosshair.vpos, self.crosshair.hpos) # Initialize range to [0, 1]x[0, 1] self.set_bounds(0, 1, 0, 1) # Disable mouse scrolling, panning and zooming for both axes # self.setMouseEnabled(False, False) # Connect a slot (callback) to dragging and clicking events self.sig_axes_changed.connect( lambda : self.set_bounds(*[x for lst in self.get_limits() for x in lst])) self.sig_image_changed.connect(self.update_allowed_values)
[docs] def update_allowed_values(self) : """ Update the allowed values silently. This assumes that the displayed image is in pixel coordinates and sets the allowed values to the available pixels. """ logger.debug('{}.update_allowed_values()'.format( [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]] = self.get_limits() self.pos[0].set_allowed_values(arange(xmin, xmax+1, 1)) self.pos[1].set_allowed_values(arange(ymin, ymax+1, 1))
[docs] def set_bounds(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) : """ Set both, the displayed area of the axis as well as the the range in which the crosshair can be dragged to the intervals [xmin, xmax] and [ymin, ymax]. """ logger.debug('{}.set_bounds()'.format( self.setXRange(xmin, xmax, padding=0.01) self.setYRange(ymin, ymax, padding=0.01) self.crosshair.set_bounds(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) # Put the crosshair in the center self.pos[0].set_value(0.5*(xmax+xmin)) self.pos[1].set_value(0.5*(ymax+ymin))
[docs]class CursorPlot(pg.PlotWidget) : """ Implements a simple, draggable scalebar represented by a line (:class:`pyqtgraph.InfiniteLine) on an axis (:class:`pyqtgraph.PlotWidget). The current position of the slider is tracked with the :class:`TracedVariable <data_slicer.utilities.TracedVariable>` self.pos and its width with the `TracedVariable` self.slider_width. """ hover_color = HOVER_COLOR def __init__(self, parent=None, background='default', name=None, orientation='vertical', slider_width=1, **kwargs) : """ Initialize the slider and set up the visual tweaks to make a PlotWidget look more like a scalebar. **Parameters** =========== ============================================================ parent QtWidget instance; parent widget of this widget background str; confer PyQt documentation name str; allows giving a name for debug purposes orientation str, `horizontal` or `vertical`; orientation of the cursor =========== ============================================================ """ super().__init__(parent=parent, background=background, **kwargs) # Whether to allow changing the slider width with arrow keys self.change_width_enabled = False if orientation not in ['horizontal', 'vertical'] : raise ValueError('Only `horizontal` or `vertical` are allowed for ' 'orientation.') self.orientation = orientation self.orientate() if name is not None : = name else : = 'Unnamed' # Hide the pyqtgraph auto-rescale button self.getPlotItem().buttonsHidden = True # Display the right (or top) axis without ticklabels self.showAxis(self.right_axis) self.getAxis(self.right_axis).setStyle(showValues=False) # The position of the slider is stored with a TracedVariable initial_pos = 0 pos = TracedVariable(initial_pos, name='pos') self.register_traced_variable(pos) # Set up the slider self.slider_width = TracedVariable(slider_width, name='{}.slider_width'.format( self.slider = pg.InfiniteLine(initial_pos, movable=True, angle=self.angle) self.set_slider_pen(color=(255,255,0,255), width=slider_width) # Add a marker. Args are (style, position (from 0-1), size #NOTE # seems broken #self.slider.addMarker('o', 0.5, 10) self.addItem(self.slider) # Disable mouse scrolling, panning and zooming for both axes self.setMouseEnabled(False, False) # Initialize range to [0, 1] self.set_bounds(initial_pos, initial_pos + 1) # Connect a slot (callback) to dragging and clicking events self.slider.sigDragged.connect(self.on_position_change) # sigMouseReleased seems to not work (maybe because sigDragged is used) #self.sigMouseReleased.connect(self.onClick) # The inherited mouseReleaseEvent is probably used for sigDragged # already. Anyhow, overwriting it here leads to inconsistent behaviour. #self.mouseReleaseEvent = self.onClick
[docs] def get_data(self) : """ Get the currently displayed data as a tuple of arrays, one containing the x values and the other the y values. **Returns** = ===================================================================== x array containing the x values. y array containing the y values. = ===================================================================== """ pdi = self.listDataItems()[0] return pdi.getData()
[docs] def orientate(self) : """ Define all aspects that are dependent on the orientation. """ if self.orientation == 'vertical' : self.right_axis = 'right' self.secondary_axis = 'top' self.secondary_axis_grid = (1,1) self.angle = 90 self.slider_axis_index = 0 else : self.right_axis = 'top' self.secondary_axis = 'right' self.secondary_axis_grid = (2,2) self.angle = 0 self.slider_axis_index = 1
[docs] def register_traced_variable(self, traced_variable) : """ Set self.pos to the given TracedVariable instance and connect the relevant slots to the signals. This can be used to share a TracedVariable among widgets. """ self.pos = traced_variable self.pos.sig_value_changed.connect(self.set_position) self.pos.sig_allowed_values_changed.connect(self.on_allowed_values_change)
[docs] def on_position_change(self) : """ Callback for the :signal:`sigDragged <pyqtgraph.InfiniteLine.sigDragged>`. Set the value of the TracedVariable instance self.pos to the current slider position. """ current_pos = self.slider.value() # NOTE pos.set_value emits signal sig_value_changed which may lead to # duplicate processing of the position change. self.pos.set_value(current_pos)
[docs] def on_allowed_values_change(self) : """ Callback for the :signal:`sig_allowed_values_changed <data_slicer.utilities.TracedVariable.sig_allowed_values_changed>`. With a change of the allowed values in the TracedVariable, we should update our bounds accordingly. The number of allowed values can also give us a hint for a reasonable maximal width for the slider. """ # If the allowed values were reset, just exit if self.pos.allowed_values is None : return lower = self.pos.min_allowed upper = self.pos.max_allowed self.set_bounds(lower, upper) # Define a max width of the slider and the resulting set of allowed # widths max_width = int(len(self.pos.allowed_values)/2) allowed_widths = [2*i + 1 for i in range(max_width+1)] self.slider_width.set_allowed_values(allowed_widths)
[docs] def set_position(self) : """ Callback for the :signal:`sig_value_changed <data_slicer.utilities.TracedVariable.sig_value_changed>`. Whenever the value of this TracedVariable is updated (possibly from outside this Scalebar object), put the slider to the appropriate position. """ new_pos = self.pos.get_value() self.slider.setValue(new_pos)
[docs] def set_bounds(self, lower, upper) : """ Set both, the displayed area of the axis as well as the the range in which the slider (InfiniteLine) can be dragged to the interval [lower, upper]. """ if self.orientation == 'vertical' : self.setXRange(lower, upper, padding=0.01) else : self.setYRange(lower, upper, padding=0.01) self.slider.setBounds([lower, upper]) # When the bounds update, the mousewheelspeed should change accordingly # TODO This should be in a slot to self.pos.sig_value_changed now self.wheel_frames = 1 # Ensure wheel_frames is at least as big as a step in the allowed # values. NOTE This assumes allowed_values to be evenly spaced. av = self.pos.allowed_values if av is not None and self.wheel_frames <= 1 and len(av) > 1 : self.wheel_frames = av[1] - av[0]
[docs] def set_secondary_axis(self, min_val=None, max_val=None) : """ Create (or replace) a second x-axis on the top which ranges from `min_val` to `max_val`. This is the right axis in case of the horizontal orientation. """ # Get a handle on the underlying plotItem plotItem = self.plotItem # Remove the old top-axis plotItem.layout.removeItem(plotItem.getAxis(self.secondary_axis)) # Create the new axis and set its range new_axis = pg.AxisItem(orientation=self.secondary_axis) new_axis.setRange(min_val, max_val) # Attach it internally to the plotItem and its layout (The arguments # `*(1, 1)` or `*(2, 2)` refer to the axis' position in the GridLayout) plotItem.axes[self.secondary_axis]['item'] = new_axis plotItem.layout.addItem(new_axis, *self.secondary_axis_grid)
[docs] def set_slider_pen(self, color=None, width=None, hover_color=None) : """ Define the color and thickness of the slider (InfiniteLine object :class:`pyqtgraph.InfiniteLine`) and store these attribute in `self.slider_width` and `self.cursor_color`). """ # Default to the current values if none are given if color is None : color = self.cursor_color else : self.cursor_color = color if width is None : # width = self.slider_width.get_value() width = self.pen_width else : self.pen_width = width if hover_color is None : hover_color = self.hover_color else : self.hover_color = hover_color self.slider.setPen(color=color, width=width) # Keep the hoverPen-size consistent self.slider.setHoverPen(color=hover_color, width=width)
[docs] def increase_width(self, step=1) : """ Increase (or decrease) `self.slider_width` by `step` units of odd numbers (such that the line always has a well defined center at the value it is positioned at). """ old_width = self.slider_width.get_value() new_width = old_width + 2*step if new_width < 0 : new_width = 1 self.slider_width.set_value(new_width) # Convert width in steps to width in pixels dmin, dmax = self.viewRange()[self.slider_axis_index] pmax = self.rect().getRect()[self.slider_axis_index+2] pixel_per_step = pmax/(dmax-dmin) pen_width = new_width * pixel_per_step self.set_slider_pen(width=pen_width)
[docs] def increase_pos(self, step=1) : """ Increase (or decrease) `self.pos` by a reasonable amount. I.e. move `step` steps along the list of allowed values. """ allowed_values = self.pos.allowed_values old_index = indexof(self.pos.get_value(), allowed_values) new_index = int((old_index + step)%len(allowed_values)) new_value = allowed_values[int(new_index)] self.pos.set_value(new_value)
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event) : """ Define responses to keyboard interactions. """ key = event.key() logger.debug('{}.keyPressEvent(): key={}'.format(, key)) if key == qt.QtCore.Qt.Key_Right : self.increase_pos(1) elif key == qt.QtCore.Qt.Key_Left : self.increase_pos(-1) elif self.change_width_enabled and key == qt.QtCore.Qt.Key_Up : self.increase_width(1) elif self.change_width_enabled and key == qt.QtCore.Qt.Key_Down : self.increase_width(-1) else : event.ignore() return # If any if-statement matched, we accept the event event.accept()
[docs] def wheelEvent(self, event) : """ Override of the Qt wheelEvent method. Fired on mousewheel scrolling inside the widget. """ # Get the relevant coordinate of the mouseWheel scroll delta = event.angleDelta().y() logger.debug('<{}>wheelEvent(); delta = {}'.format(, delta)) if delta > 0 : sign = 1 elif delta < 0 : sign = -1 else : # It seems that in some cases delta==0 sign = 0 increment = sign*self.wheel_frames logger.debug('<{}>wheelEvent(); increment = {}'.format(, increment)) self.increase_pos(increment)
[docs]class Scalebar(CursorPlot) : """ Simple subclass of :class:`CursorPlot <data_slicer.imageplot.CursorPlot>` that is intended to simulate a scalebar. This is achieved by providing simply a long, flat plot without any data and no y axis, but the same draggable slider as in CursorPlot. **Attributes** ========= ================================================================= textItems list of (t, (rx, ry)) tuples; t is a :class:`pyqtgraph.TextItem` instance and rx, ry are floats in the range [0, 1] indicating the relative positioning of the textitems inside the Scalebar. ========= ================================================================= """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) : super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Disable the context menu self.plotItem.vb.setMenuEnabled(False) self.disableAutoRange() # Aesthetics and other widget configs for axis in ['top', 'right', 'left', 'bottom'] : self.showAxis(axis) ax = self.getAxis(axis) #ax.setTicks([[], []]) ax.setStyle(showValues=False, tickLength=0) self.set_size(300, 50) self.pos.set_allowed_values(linspace(0, 1, 100)) # Connect signal of changed allowed values to update TextItem positions self.pos.sig_allowed_values_changed.connect( self.on_allowed_values_changed) # Slider appearance slider_width = 20 self.slider.setPen(color=(100, 100, 100), width=slider_width) self.slider.setHoverPen(color=(120, 120, 120), width=slider_width) # Initialize other attributes self.textItems = []
[docs] def set_size(self, width, height) : """ Set this widgets size by setting minimum and maximum sizes simultaneously to the same value. """ self.setMinimumSize(width, height) self.setMaximumSize(width, height)
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event) : """ Override some behaviour of the superclass. """ key = event.key() if key in [qt.QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, qt.QtCore.Qt.Key_Down] : event.ignore() else : super().keyPressEvent(event)
[docs] def add_text(self, text, relpos=(0.5, 0.5), anchor=(0.5, 0.5)) : """ Add text to the scalebar. **Parameters** ====== ================================================================ text string; the text to be displayed. pos tuple; (x, y) position of the text relative to the scalebar. anchor tuple; (x, y) position of the text object's anchor. ====== ================================================================ """ t = pg.TextItem(text, anchor=anchor) self.set_relative_position(t, relpos) self.addItem(t) self.textItems.append((t, relpos))
[docs] def set_relative_position(self, textItem, relpos) : """ Figure out this Scalebar's current size (in data units) and reposition its textItems accordingly. """ height = 1 width = len(self.pos.allowed_values) x = width * relpos[0] y = height * relpos[1] logger.debug(('set_relative_position [{}] - x={:.2f}, ' 'y={:.2f}').format(, x, y)) textItem.setPos(x, y)
[docs] def on_allowed_values_changed(self) : """ Keep TextItems in correct relative position. """ for t, relpos in self.textItems : self.set_relative_position(t, relpos)