Source code for data_slicer.model

from inspect import signature
from types import FunctionType

import numpy as np
from pyqtgraph import IsocurveItem

import data_slicer.utilities as util

[docs]class ModelError(Exception) : """ Base class for :class:`Model <data_slicer.model.Model>` related errors. """ pass
[docs]class UndefinedModelError(ModelError) : """ Error raised when an operation would require the *model* attribute of :class: `Model <data_slicer.model.Model>` but it is not found. """ pass
[docs]class UndefinedAxisError(ModelError) : """ Error raised when an operation would require all the axes in the *axes* attribute of :class: `Model <data_slicer.model.Model>` but at least one of them is not found. """ pass
[docs]class Model() : """ General object that allows calculating a model over some input axes. It also provides functionalities to extract different slices from the calculated data. """ MIN_AXIS_LENGTH = 100 def __init__(self, model=None) : """ **Parameters** ===== ================================================================= model callable; a python function representing the model. ===== ================================================================= .. seealso:: :meth:`set_model <data_slicer.model.Model.set_model>` """ = None if model is not None : self.set_model(model) else : self.model = None def __repr__(self) : base = '<Model: {}>' try : self._check_if_model_defined() except UndefinedModelError : return base.format('undefined') inner = 'n_args={}, n_kwargs={}'.format(self.n_args, self.n_kwargs) return base.format(inner)
[docs] def set_model(self, model) : """ Specify the function that represents the model. This should be a function with the call signature:: model(axis1, axis2, ..., axisN, kwarg1=kwarg1_default, ..., kwargN=kwargN_default, **kwargs) I.e. all the positional arguments (*axis1* to *axisN*) correspond to the required input variables. The keyword arguments (*kwarg1* to *kwargN*) as well as further unspecified *kwargs* can be used for the model parameters. Information about the number of arguments is obtained through introspection. **Parameters** ===== ================================================================= model callable; a python function representing the model. ===== ================================================================= """ # Check if a function was supplied if not isinstance(model, FunctionType) : raise TypeError('*model* has to be a function.') self.model = model # Get information about the supplied function sig = signature(model) # Count the number of different arguments n_args = 0 n_kwargs = 0 has_var_kwargs = False for name in sig.parameters : param = sig.parameters[name] kind = param.kind if kind == param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD : n_args += 1 elif kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY : n_kwargs += 1 elif kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD : has_var_kwargs = True self.n_args = n_args self.n_kwargs = n_kwargs self.has_var_kwargs = has_var_kwargs # Prepare a container for the axes self.axes = n_args * [None]
def _check_if_model_defined(self) : """ Raise an appropriate error if no model function is found. """ if self.model is None : raise UndefinedModelError('No model has been defined. Use the ' 'set_model() attribute.') def _check_if_axes_defined(self) : """ Raise an appropriate error if at least one of the necessary axes has not been properliy defined. """ need_to_raise = False if 'axes' in self.__dict__ : for axis in self.axes : if axis is None : need_to_raise = True else : need_to_raise = True if need_to_raise : message = ('At least one out of {} axes has not been defined. ' 'Use the set_axis() attribute.') raise UndefinedAxisError(message.format(self.n_args))
[docs] def set_axes(self, axes) : """ Set all axes (inputs for the model). The axes supplied here can either be 1 dimensional array-like objects representing the actual values at which the model should be evaluated or simply the start and stop values for the range in which the model will be evaluated. If the length of any axis is smaller than Model.MIN_AXIS_LENGTH or if just start and stop values are given, linearly space values between start and stop will be given. **Parameters** ==== ================================================================== axes list of len(self.n_args); an error will be thrown if the number of supplied axes does not match what is necessary for self.model. ==== ================================================================== .. seealso:: :meth:`set_axis <data_slicer.model.Model.set_axis>` to set just one specific axis. """ if len(axes) != self.n_args : message = ('The number of supplied axes ({}) does not match the ' 'number of required axes ({}).') raise ValueError(message.format(len(axes), self.n_args)) for i, axis in enumerate(axes) : self.set_axis(axis, dim=i)
[docs] def set_axis(self, axis, dim=0) : """ Set the axis (input to the model) at position *dim*. See documentation of :meth:`set_axes <data_slicer.model.Model.set_axes>` for more details. **Parameters** ==== ================================================================== axis 1d array-like; the values at which the model should be evaluated along this dimension. If the length is smaller than Model.MIN_AXIS_LENGTH, linearly spaced values between the first and last value in *axis* will be created. ==== ================================================================== .. seealso:: :meth:`set_axes <data_slicer.model.Model.set_axes>` to set all axes at once. """ self._check_if_model_defined() if len(axis) < self.MIN_AXIS_LENGTH : axis = np.linspace(axis[0], axis[-1], self.MIN_AXIS_LENGTH) self.axes[dim] = axis
[docs] def get_axes_dims(self) : """ Return the length of all axes that are defined. """ # If a model is defined, the axes will at least have been initialized self._check_if_model_defined() lengths = [] for axis in self.axes : if axis is None : lengths.append(None) else : lengths.append(len(axis)) return lengths
[docs] def calculate_model_data(self, axes=None, **kwargs) : """ Evaluate the given model function :meth:`model <data_slicer.model.Model.model>` at every point in the hypervolume defined by the *axes*. This means that every possible combination of coordinates of all *axes* is created, and the model evaluated at every such point. **Parameters** ====== ================================================================ axes if specified, this is passed on to :meth:`set_axes <data_slicer.model.Model.set_axes>`. Otherwise the previously set axes will be used. kwargs all keyword arguments are passed to the model function. ====== ================================================================ """ self._check_if_model_defined() if axes is None : self._check_if_axes_defined() else : self.set_axes(axes) self.meshes = np.meshgrid(*self.axes) data = self.model(*self.meshes, **kwargs) = data return data
[docs] def make_slice(self, dim, index, integrate=0, silent=False) : """ Return a slice out of the model data. If the data has not yet been calculated, try to do it first. This wraps :func:`make_slice <data_slicer.utilities.make_slice>`. Confer respective documentation for information on the arguments. """ try : data = except AttributeError : data = self.calculate_model_data() return util.make_slice(data, dim, index, integrate, silent)
[docs] def get_isocurve(self, level, pen=dict(color='r', width=2), **kwargs) : """ .. warning:: Only possible for 2D models (i.e. self.n_args==2). Return an isocurve (:class:`IsocurveItem <pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.IsocurveItem>` of the model data at the selected *level*. This uses pyqtgraph's icocurve function, which is based on the marching squares algorithm. **Parameters** ===== ================================================================= level float; value at which the isocurve is generated. pen arguments for the visual properties of the isocurve. Can be anything which is valid for :func:`mkPen <pyqtgraph.mkPen>`. ===== ================================================================= **Returns** ============ ========================================================== isocurveItem :class:`IsocurveItem <pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.IsocurveItem>` ============ ========================================================== """ # Check for correct dimensionality self._check_if_model_defined() if self.n_args != 2 : raise ModelError('Isocurves can only be generated for 2D models, ' 'but n_args is {}'.format(self.n_args)) # Check if data has been calculated if is None : self.calculate_model_data() return IsocurveItem(, level=level, pen=pen, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_values_around(self, value, eps) : """ .. warning:: unfinished """ mask = np.where(np.abs( - value) < eps) points =[mask] return [mesh[mask] for mesh in self.meshes], points
# Testing if __name__ == '__main__' : my_model = Model() func1 = lambda x,y : x**2 + y**2 my_model.set_model(func1) my_model.set_axes([[0, 100], [0, 150]]) data = my_model.calculate_model_data() meshes, points = my_model.get_values_around(50, 1)