Source code for data_slicer.widgets

This file contains classes that represent pyqtgraph widgets which can be used 
and combined in Qt applications.
import logging

import pyqtgraph as pg
import pyqtgraph.opengl as gl
import numpy as np
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

from data_slicer.cmaps import load_cmap, ds_cmap
from data_slicer.cutline import Cutline
from data_slicer.imageplot import ImagePlot, Scalebar
from data_slicer.utilities import make_slice, TracedVariable

logger = logging.getLogger('ds.'+__name__)


# Default translation for objects
T = -0.5


[docs]class ColorSliders(QtWidgets.QWidget) : """ A simple widget providing a *gamma* and *vmax* slider. **Signals** ============= ============================================================= gamma_changed emitted when the value of *gamma* changes vmax_changed emitted when the value of *vmax* changes ============= ============================================================= """ sig_gamma_changed = QtCore.Signal() sig_vmax_changed = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) : super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.gamma = 1 self.vmax = 1 # gamma gamma_slider = Scalebar() self.gamma_values = np.concatenate((np.linspace(0.1, 1, 50), np.linspace(1.1, 10, 50))) gamma_slider.pos.set_value(0.5) gamma_slider.pos.sig_value_changed.connect(self.on_gamma_slider_move) # put a label gamma_label = pg.TextItem('γ', anchor=(0.5, 0.5)) gamma_label.setPos(0.5, 0.5) gamma_slider.addItem(gamma_label) self.gamma_slider = gamma_slider # vmax (relative colorscale maximum) vmax_slider = Scalebar() vmax_slider.pos.set_value(self.vmax) vmax_slider.pos.sig_value_changed.connect(self.on_vmax_slider_move) # put a label vmax_label = pg.TextItem('Colorscale', anchor=(0.5, 0.5)) vmax_label.setPos(0.5, 0.5) vmax_slider.addItem(vmax_label) self.vmax_slider = vmax_slider self.align()
[docs] def align(self) : layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.setLayout(layout) layout.addWidget(self.gamma_slider, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.vmax_slider, 2, 1)
[docs] def on_gamma_slider_move(self) : """ When the user moves the gamma slider, update gamma. """ ind = min(int(100*self.gamma_slider.pos.get_value()), len(self.gamma_values)-1) self.gamma = self.gamma_values[ind] self.sig_gamma_changed.emit()
[docs] def on_vmax_slider_move(self) : """ When the user moves the vmax slider, update vmax. """ vmax = int(np.round(100*self.vmax_slider.pos.get_value()))/100 self.vmax = vmax self.sig_vmax_changed.emit()
[docs]class ThreeDWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget) : """ A widget that contains a :class:`GLViewWidget <pyqtgraph.opengl.GLViewWidget>` that allows displaying 2D colormeshes in a three dimensional scene. This class mostly functions as a base class for more refined variations. """ def __init__(self, *args, data=None, **kwargs) : """ Set up the :class: `GLViewWidget <pyqtgraph.opengl.GLViewWidget>` as this widget's central widget. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Initialize instance variables = TracedVariable(None, name='data') self.cmap = load_cmap(DEFAULT_CMAP) self.lut = self.cmap.getLookupTable() self.gloptions = 'translucent' # Create a GLViewWidget and put it into the layout of this view self.layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.setLayout(self.layout) self.glview = gl.GLViewWidget() # Add the scalebar self._initialize_sub_widgets() # Put all widgets in place self.align() # Add some coordinate axes to the view self.coordinate_axes = gl.GLAxisItem() self.glview.addItem(self.coordinate_axes) self.set_coordinate_axes(True) # Try to set the default data if data is not None : self.set_data(data) def _initialize_sub_widgets(self) : """ Create the slider subwidget. This method exists so it can be overridden by subclasses. """ self.slider_xy = Scalebar(name='xy-slider') self.slider_xy.pos.sig_value_changed.connect(self.update_xy) self.slider_xy.add_text('xy plane', relpos=(0.5, 0.5))
[docs] def align(self) : """ Put all sub-widgets and elements into the layout. """ l = self.layout l.addWidget(self.glview, 0, 0, 5, 5) l.addWidget(self.slider_xy, 4, 2, 1, 1)
[docs] def set_coordinate_axes(self, on=True) : """ Turn the visibility of the coordinate axes on or off. **Parameters** == ==================================================================== on bool or one of ('on', 1); if not `True` or any of the values stated, turn the axes off. Otherwise turn them on. == ==================================================================== """ if on in [True, 'on', 1] : logger.debug('Turning coordinate axes ON') else : logger.debug('Turning coordinate axes OFF') self.coordinate_axes.hide()
[docs] def set_data(self, data) : """ Set this widget's data in a :class:`TracedVariable <data_slicer.utilities.TracedVariable>` instance to allow direct updates whenever the data changes. **Parameters** ==== ================================================================== data np.array of shape (x, y, z); the data cube to be displayed. ==== ================================================================== """ self.levels = [data.min(), data.max()] self.xscale, self.yscale, self.zscale = [1/s for s in data.shape] self._update_sliders() self._initialize_planes()
def _initialize_planes(self) : """ This wrapper exists to be overwritten by subclasses. """ self.initialize_xy() def _update_sliders(self) : """ Update the allowed values for of the plane slider(s). """ data = self.slider_xy.pos.set_allowed_values(range(data.shape[2]))
[docs] def get_slice(self, d, i, integrate=0, silent=True) : """ Wrap :func:`make_slice <data_slicer.utilities.make_slice>` to create slices out of this widget's ``. Confer respective documentation for details. """ return make_slice(, d, i, integrate=integrate, silent=silent)
[docs] def get_xy_slice(self, i, integrate=0) : """ Shorthand to get an xy slice, i.e. *d=2*. """ self.old_z = i return self.get_slice(2, i, integrate)
[docs] def make_texture(self, cut) : """ Wrapper for :func:`makeRGBA <pyqtgraph.makeRGBA>`.""" return pg.makeRGBA(cut, levels=self.levels, lut=self.lut)[0]
# return pg.makeRGBA(cut, levels=self.levels)[0]
[docs] def initialize_xy(self) : """ Create the xy plane. """ # Get out if no data is present if is None : return # Remove any old planes if hasattr(self, 'xy') : self.glview.removeItem(self.xy) # Get the data and texture to create the GLImageItem object cut = self.get_xy_slice(self.slider_xy.pos.get_value()) texture = self.make_texture(cut) self.xy = gl.GLImageItem(texture) #, glOptions=self.gloptions) # Scale and translate to origin and add to glview self.xy.scale(self.xscale, self.yscale, 1) self.xy.translate(T, T, T) # Put to position in accordance with slider self.old_z = 0 #self.slider_xy.pos.get_value() self.update_xy() # Add to GLView self.glview.addItem(self.xy)
[docs] def update_xy(self) : """ Update both texture and position of the xy plane. """ if not hasattr(self, 'xy') : return # Get the current position z = self.slider_xy.pos.get_value() # Translate self.xy.translate(0, 0, self.zscale*(z-self.old_z)) # Update the texture (this needs to happen after the translation # because self.get_xy_slice updates the value of self.old_z) cut = self.get_xy_slice(z) texture = self.make_texture(cut) self.xy.setData(texture)
[docs] def set_cmap(self, cmap) : """ Change the used colormap to a :class:`ds_cmap <data_slicer.cmaps.ds_cmap>` instance. """ if isinstance(cmap, str) : self.cmap = load_cmap(cmap) elif isinstance(cmap, ds_cmap) : self.cmap = cmap else : raise TypeError('*cmap* has to be a valid colormap name or a ' '*ds_cmap* instance') # Update the necessary elements self.lut = self.cmap.getLookupTable() self._on_cmap_change()
def _on_cmap_change(self) : """ Update all elements affected by the cmap change. """ self.update_xy()
[docs]class ThreeDSliceWidget(ThreeDWidget) : """ A :class:`ThreeDWidget <data_slicer.widgets.ThreeDWidget>` that can slice along x, y and z. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) : super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def align(self) : """ Put all sub-widgets and elements into the layout as follows:: 0 1 2 +-----+-----+-----+ | | 0 + + | | 1 + GLView + | | 2 + + | | 3 +-----+-----+-----+ | xy | yz | zx | 4 +-----+-----+-----+ 5 units in height 3 units in width """ l = self.layout # for slider in [self.slider_xy, self.slider_yz, self.slider_zx] : # slider.orientation = 'vertical' # slider.orientate() l.addWidget(self.glview, 0, 0, 5, 3) l.addWidget(self.slider_xy, 4, 0, 1, 1) l.addWidget(self.slider_yz, 4, 1, 1, 1) l.addWidget(self.slider_zx, 4, 2, 1, 1)
def _initialize_sub_widgets(self) : """ Create all three sliders (:class:`Scalebar <data_slicer.imageplot.Scalebar>` instances. """ # xy super()._initialize_sub_widgets() # yz self.slider_yz = Scalebar(name='yz-slider') self.slider_yz.pos.sig_value_changed.connect(self.update_yz) self.slider_yz.add_text('yz plane', relpos=(0.5, 0.5)) # zx self.slider_zx = Scalebar(name='zx-slider') self.slider_zx.pos.sig_value_changed.connect(self.update_zx) self.slider_zx.add_text('zx plane', relpos=(0.5, 0.5)) def _initialize_planes(self) : """ Initialize all three planes. """ self.initialize_xy() self.initialize_yz() self.initialize_zx()
[docs] def initialize_yz(self) : """ Create the yz plane. """ # Get out if no data is present if is None : return # Remove any old planes if hasattr(self, 'yz') : self.glview.removeItem(self.yz) # Get the data and texture to create the GLImageItem object cut = self.get_yz_slice(self.slider_yz.pos.get_value()) texture = self.make_texture(cut) self.yz = gl.GLImageItem(texture, glOptions=self.gloptions) # Scale and translate to origin and add to glview (this plane has # shape (y, z)) self.yz.scale(self.yscale, self.zscale, 1) self.yz.translate(T, T, 0) self.yz.rotate(90, 0, 1, 0) self.yz.rotate(90, 1, 0, 0) self.yz.translate(T, 0, 0) # Put to position in accordance with slider self.update_yz() # Add to GLView self.glview.addItem(self.yz)
[docs] def get_yz_slice(self, i, integrate=0) : """ Shorthand to get an yz slice, i.e. *d=0*. """ self.old_x = i return self.get_slice(0, i, integrate)
[docs] def initialize_zx(self) : """ Create the zx plane. """ # Get out if no data is present if is None : return # Remove any old planes if hasattr(self, 'zx') : self.glview.removeItem(self.zx) # Get the data and texture to create the GLImageItem object cut = self.get_zx_slice(0) texture = self.make_texture(cut) self.zx = gl.GLImageItem(texture, glOptions=self.gloptions) # Scale and translate to origin and add to glview (this plane has # shape (x, z)) self.zx.scale(self.xscale, self.zscale, 1) self.zx.translate(T, T, 0) self.zx.rotate(90, 1, 0, 0) self.zx.translate(0, T, 0) # Put to position in accordance with slider self.update_zx() # Add to GLView self.glview.addItem(self.zx)
[docs] def get_zx_slice(self, i, integrate=0) : """ Shorthand to get an yz slice, i.e. *d=1*. """ self.old_y = i return self.get_slice(1, i, integrate)
def _update_sliders(self) : """ Update the allowed values for of the plane slider(s). """ data = self.slider_xy.pos.set_allowed_values(range(data.shape[2])) self.slider_yz.pos.set_allowed_values(range(data.shape[0])) self.slider_zx.pos.set_allowed_values(range(data.shape[1]))
[docs] def update_yz(self) : """ Update both texture and position of the yz plane. """ if not hasattr(self, 'yz') : return # Get the current position x = self.slider_yz.pos.get_value() # Translate self.yz.translate(self.xscale*(x-self.old_x), 0, 0) # Update the texture (this needs to happen after the translation # because self.get_yz_slice updates the value of self.old_x) cut = self.get_yz_slice(x) texture = self.make_texture(cut) self.yz.setData(texture)
[docs] def update_zx(self) : """ Update both texture and position of the zx plane. """ if not hasattr(self, 'zx') : return # Get the current position y = self.slider_zx.pos.get_value() # Translate self.zx.translate(0, self.yscale*(y-self.old_y), 0) # Update the texture (this needs to happen after the translation # because self.get_zx_slice updates the value of self.old_y) cut = self.get_zx_slice(y) texture = self.make_texture(cut) self.zx.setData(texture)
def _on_cmap_change(self) : """ Update all elements affected by the cmap change. """ self.update_xy() self.update_yz() self.update_zx()
[docs]class FreeSliceWidget(ThreeDWidget) : """ A :class:`ThreeDWidget <data_slicer.widgets.ThreeDWidget>` which represents its xy plane in an additional 2D panel. In this "selector" panel, there's a :class:`Cutline <data_slicer.cutline.Cutline>` with which arbitrary slices can be generated, which will in turn be shown in the 3D GLView. """ def _initialize_sub_widgets(self) : """ Create the ImagePlot with the Cutline. """ super()._initialize_sub_widgets() self.slider_xy.pos.sig_value_changed.connect(self.update_selector) self.selector = ImagePlot()
[docs] def align(self) : """ Layout:: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | 0 + | + | | | 1 + Selector | GLView + | | | 2 + | + | | | 3 + | +---+---+ + | | | xy | | 4 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ """ l = self.layout l.addWidget(self.selector, 0, 0, 5, 4) l.addWidget(self.glview, 0, 4, 5, 4) l.addWidget(self.slider_xy, 4, 5, 1, 2)
def _initialize_planes(self) : """ Create the xy plane, the arbitrary cut plane and the view in the selector panel. """ # xy super()._initialize_planes() # selector xy = self.get_xy_slice(0) self.selector.set_image(xy, lut=self.lut) # cutline in selector if not hasattr(self, 'cutline') : self.cutline = Cutline(self.selector) self.cutline.initialize() # cut plane if hasattr(self, 'cutplane') : self.glview.removeItem(self.cutplane) cut, coords = self.get_cutline_cut() cut_texture = self.make_texture(cut) self.cutplane = gl.GLImageItem(cut_texture, glOptions=self.gloptions) # Scale and move to origin in upright position self.cutplane.scale(self.xscale, self.zscale, 1) self.cutplane.rotate(90, 1, 0, 0) self.cutplane.translate(T, 0, T) self.transform0 = self.cutplane.transform() self.glview.addItem(self.cutplane) self.cutline.sig_region_changed.connect(self.update_cut)
[docs] def get_cutline_cut(self) : """ Wrapper for :meth:`~data_slicer.cutline.Cutline.get_array_region`. """ data = cut, coords = self.cutline.get_array_region(data, self.selector.image_item, returnMappedCoords=True) return cut, coords
[docs] def update_cut(self) : """ Update the texture and position of the cutline cut in the GLGraphicsView. """ ## Update the texture cut, coords = self.get_cutline_cut() texture = self.make_texture(cut) self.cutplane.setData(texture) ## Update the position in 3D space # Get handle positions (in data pixel coordinates (?)) try : x0, y0 = coords[[0, 1], [0, 0]] x1, y1 = coords[[0, 1], [-1, -1]] except IndexError : return # Figure out the translation vector tx = x0*self.xscale ty = y0*self.yscale # Calculate the rotation angle delta_y = y1 - y0 try : # arctan (delta y) / (delta x) alpha = np.arctan(delta_y / (x1 - x0)) except ZeroDivisionError : alpha = np.sign(delta_y) * np.pi/2 # Correct for special cases if x1 < x0 : alpha -= np.sign(delta_y) * np.pi alpha_degree = 180/np.pi * alpha # Apply the transformations in inverse order t = QtGui.QMatrix4x4() t.translate(tx+T, ty+T, T) t.scale(self.xscale, self.yscale, 1) t.rotate(alpha_degree, 0, 0, 1) t.rotate(90, 1, 0, 0) t.scale(1, self.zscale, 1) self.cutplane.setTransform(t)
[docs] def update_selector(self) : """ When the slider position changes, update the image displayed in the selector to represent the correct cut. """ z = self.slider_xy.pos.get_value() cut = self.get_xy_slice(z) self.selector.set_image(cut, lut=self.lut)
def _on_cmap_change(self) : """ Update all elements affected by the cmap change. """ self.update_xy() self.update_cut() self.update_selector()
#_Testing_______________________________________________________________________ if __name__ == "__main__" : import pickle import pkg_resources import numpy as np import data_slicer.set_up_logging # Set up Qt Application skeleton app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow() window.resize(800, 800) # Add layouting-widget cw = QtWidgets.QWidget() window.setCentralWidget(cw) layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() cw.setLayout(layout) # Add our custom widgets # w = ThreeDSliceWidget() w = FreeSliceWidget() layout.addWidget(w, 0, 0, 1, 2) button1 = QtWidgets.QPushButton() button1.setText('Reset') layout.addWidget(button1, 1, 0, 1, 1) button2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton() button2.setText('Randomize') layout.addWidget(button2, 1, 1, 1, 1) # Load example data data_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('data_slicer', 'data/') datafile = 'testdata_100_150_200.p' with open(data_path + datafile, 'rb') as f : data = pickle.load(f) w.set_data(data) # Button actions def reset_data() : w.set_data(data) button1.clicked.connect(reset_data) def randomize_data() : w.set_data(np.random.rand(42, 123, 234)) button2.clicked.connect(randomize_data) # Run app.exec_()